The termites are well known for damaging properties, but these white monsters also are responsible for affecting human health!

  • The white monsters produce molds which cause several diseases like the skin infection, allergies, and fungal infection including toxicity.
  • People with breathing issues and sensitive skin will easily get affected by mild asthma and different allergies respectively.
  • Some people may develop chronic conditions getting affected by the termites.
  • The termites release toxic materials with the molds. If any person inhales the molds, it gets inside to the lungs and develops there causing certain neurological disorders and may also lead to death (For More Details Click Here).

Health concerns

The termites are well known for damaging properties, but these white monsters also are responsible for affecting human health!    


Other concerns

The white monsters never sleep, and a single female termite can lay up to 30, 000 eggs per day!Such factors raise the signs of  severe


Symptoms of termite infestations

The termites avoid sunlight and prefer to live in dark places. The monsters become


DIY treatments

Termite infestation is a major threat to your property! You need to take preventive measures immediately to eliminate


Thing you should know

Enviro Safe Pest Control is one of the leading pest control companies. We offer a wide range of pest control treatments pan


Chemical free treatment

Apart from the insecticides, you can also implement certain home remedies to eliminate the termites from your property.


Areas we treat

Enviro Safe Pest Control is a certified and licensed pest controller company. We have appointed highly experienced


Preparation needs to be done before treatment

Before you decide to implement the DIY treatment techniques
