The bird mites feed on birds and also feed on humans as well as other animals. The mites don’t dwell on humans as it is not suitable to continue their lifecycle on humans. The parasites infect the birds and weaken them. They could raise health issues in birds leading to fatal consequences. Apart from affecting the birds, the bird mites can raise certain health complications in humans(For More Details Click Here).
- A bite of the bird mites causes severe irritation which may lead to itching, swelling and reddish spots on the skin.
- The mites inject their saliva during the bite which causes discomfort.
- The bites of mites may develop secondary infections for the scratching activity on the skin surface.
- Though the bird mites are not associated with transmission of any infectious diseases, swelling, itching and red spots on the skin may lead to potential threats for persons having sensitive skin.
Health Concern
The bird mites feed on birds and also feed on humans as well as other animals. The mites don’t dwell
Bird Mite Symptoms
You won’t find bed bugs and their symptoms immediately. You can mark the symptoms after few days.
MoreDIY Jobs Treatment
There are several methods of Bird Mites Removal! Identifying the bird mites and the commonly accessed
MoreOur Treatments
At Enviro Safe Pest control we have the team of licensed pest controllers having immense years of
MoreThings You Should Know
If you are unaware about the infestation hazards of bird mites, you must