The Recluse Spiders are well known for its unique appearance with a violin pattern on their back. The base of the violin pattern is towards the head while the neck of the violin points towards the back. These are non-hairy spiders and are found in yellowish-tan to dark brown colors. The legs are larger in comparison to the body. This species of spiders have six eyes unlike other spider species having eight eyes. The Recluse Spiders prefer to dwell in dark, warm and dry environment. These are commonly found in attics, barns, basements, barns, closets, etc. The spiders build haphazard webs in the corners. This species of spider get active during the summer days. These spiders are non-aggressive but can bite when they detect any threaten. The venom of this spider species is extremely poisonous and is more potent than the rattlesnake. The spiders are able to inject a small amount of poison into the victim’s body for its small flange. The small amount of venom damages the cell membranes that disrupt the tissue integrity resulting in the breakdown of skin, blood vessels, and fat. Immediate medical attention for the victim is essential to prevent severe consequences. Enviro Safe Pest Control have appropriate solutions to deal with these type of ants, For more on Recluse spider control, call us at 1300 997 272.
Health Concern
Spider bites are rare! Only a few species of spiders have long fangs that can penetrate
MoreDIY treatments
Spider’s infestation could make any person really worried! You must take apt moves
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Pest control is a challenging job as a wrong move could create hazards.