Found a possum near your garden? Alarmed by its presence and wondering how to get rid of it? Then, you have landed on the right page. Firstly, you need to understand that possums are common pests in Australia, often found in attics, sheds, and gardens. While they are a protected native species, they can cause damage to property, and gardens, and even pose health risks. Getting rid of possums requires a humane and legal approach. In today’s blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about possum removal, possum control, and how to keep your property free of these pests. No matter where you live in Melbourne, getting a service from a professional pest control service in Melbourne can help you handle the situation effectively.

Why Possums Become Pests?

Possums are wild animals that usually search for food and shelter, which is why they invade homes. They enter through small gaps, nesting in attics, basements, or garden sheds. Once inside, they can damage insulation, chew electrical wires, and cause a mess with their droppings. Their presence can be noisy, especially at night, as possums are nocturnal creatures.

Apart from property damage, possums can carry diseases and parasites that may affect humans and pets. That’s why effective possum pest control is essential if you notice these animals in or around your home.

Signs of Possum Activity

Before you move to possum removal, it’s important to identify signs of their activity. The signs include:

Noise at night – Scratching, hissing, or thumping sounds in walls or ceilings.

Droppings – Possum droppings are usually small, dark, and can be found near nests.

Damage – Chewed wires, insulation, or plants in the garden.

Odour – A strong musky smell around your home.

Tracks and nests – Possums leave claw marks, and you may find nests made from insulation or other soft materials.

If you notice these signs, it’s time to consider possum pest control methods to remove them safely.

How To Get Rid Of Possums?

Block Entry Points

Possums enter homes through small gaps, vents, or damaged roof areas. The first step in possum control is to inspect your property for any potential entry points. Once identified, seal these gaps with durable materials such as metal mesh or timber. Ensure that chimneys, vents, and rooflines are properly covered to prevent future access. This step is crucial in ensuring that possums can’t re-enter after possum removal.

Use Possum Traps

One of the most effective methods for possum removal in Melbourne is using traps. In Australia, it is legal to trap possums, but you must follow strict regulations. Humane cage traps should be used to catch possums without harming them. Once trapped, possums must be released within 50 meters of where they were caught, as per wildlife protection laws.

Placing traps near areas where possum activity is high increases the chances of capturing them quickly. Baiting the trap with fruits, such as apples or bananas, can attract possums into the trap. Always ensure that the traps are checked regularly to avoid stressing the possum.

Remove Food Sources

Possums are attracted to food, so eliminating food sources is an important part of possum pest control. Ensure that garbage bins are sealed tightly, pet food is not left outside, and fallen fruits in the garden are cleared regularly. Compost heaps should be covered securely, as possums are drawn to them for food. By removing these temptations, you reduce the chances of possums coming onto your property.

Use Natural Deterrents

There are several natural methods to deter possums from invading your property. Some home remedies include:

  • Garlic Spray: Possums dislike the strong smell of garlic. Spraying a garlic solution around entry points or garden plants can keep them away.
  • Quassia Chips: These wood chips, when boiled into a solution and sprayed around the garden, act as a repellent for possums.
  • Motion-Activated Lights or Sprinklers: Installing motion-activated devices can scare possums away from your property at night.

These methods offer a humane way to manage possum control without causing harm to the animals.

Call Professional Pest Control Services

For persistent possum problems, hiring a pest control service is often the best solution. Professionals have the expertise to handle possum removal safely and legally. They conduct thorough inspections, identify problem areas, and use humane methods to remove possums from your property. Furthermore, they provide long-term possum pest control solutions by sealing entry points and offering advice on how to prevent future infestations. By using professional pest control Melbourne services, you can ensure the problem is handled efficiently and in compliance with wildlife protection laws.

Preventing Future Possum Infestations

After successfully removing possums, it’s essential to take preventive measures to stop them from returning.

Trim Trees – Possums often enter homes through overhanging branches. Regularly trimming trees and bushes around your property can prevent easy access.

Install Possum Repellents –  There are several commercial possum repellents available, such as ultrasonic devices that emit sound frequencies unpleasant to possums but harmless to humans.

Secure Your Roof – Ensure all vents, rooflines, and chimneys are covered with strong mesh or metal to block possible entry points.

By following these steps, you can effectively prevent future possum problems and avoid costly damage to your home.

Legal Considerations for Possum Removal

In Australia, possums are a protected species under the Wildlife Act. This means there are strict guidelines around possum removal. It is illegal to harm, trap, or relocate possums without following the legal requirements. As mentioned, possums must be released within 50 meters of where they were trapped. Relocating them farther away can disrupt their ability to find food and shelter, which is harmful to the animal.

If you’re unsure about the legalities, it’s always best to consult with a professional pest control service in Melbourne. They are well-versed in handling possums legally and humanely.

Possums, while a protected species, can become pests when they invade your home or garden. To ensure effective possum control, you may also need the help of a professional possum removal team from Enviro Safe Pest Control. By following these steps and adhering to wildlife protection laws, you can get rid of possums and prevent them from returning. So, what are you waiting for? Protect your property and enjoy a possum-free environment with the right measures in place! We also provide rat removal, ant pest control, termite control, rat control, and many other removal services in Melbourne. To learn more about our services, call us at 1300 997 272 today.