A fully grown Ship Rat has a body length of 190 mm and tail length of 230 mm. The sleek-looking adult rats weigh around 280 grams. These are found in different colors ranging from black to white but generally these are found in steel-grey color with white belly. The tail is much longer than the head and body. This rat species have beady eyes and dark tail with rounded hairless ears. The ears are enough big to cover the eyes when extended. The forefeet of the rats are four-toed while the hind feet are five-toed. The ship rats are found close to human habitation including residential spaces, commercial shops, warehouses, as well as degraded habitats. The nocturnal species of rats are good climbers thus are rarely seen on ground. This species of rats prefer to feed on fruits, seeds, and nuts. These rodents remain highly active during the nights.
Health Concern
The rodents invade the property and cause lots of
MoreSymptoms of Rat Infestations
The rats are nocturnal pests and hide from humans. You need to identify
MoreDIY Treatments
Any person troubled by the rats would first opt to implement DIY skills
MoreOur Treatments
Enviro Safe Pest Control is a licensed pest control company
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The environment is the natural habitat for all species of birds. Different
MoreAreas we Treat
We cater Rats Pest Control services for residential, commercial as well as industrial
MoreThing You Should Know
Implementing DIY skills and techniques for killing the rats would be less effective