Mastotermes Darwiniensis are giant species of termites found only in Northern Australia. This particular species of termites have similarities with cockroaches. The similarities of the termites with the roaches include anal lobe of the wing and laying eggs in bunches in a case, unlike other termites that lay eggs singly. Only the reproductive termites have wings measuring longer than their abdomen. This species of termites are not found in large numbers and don’t even have large colonies. But, if these termites find a suitable breeding place with abundant water, food and favorable soil condition, the population can grow to be enormous. These termites feed on anything that is organic. These get identified as major agricultural pests as they destroy the newly introduced plants. The reproductive termites grow up to 35 mm with 50 mm long wings. The soldiers measure 11-13 mm long while the workers grow up to 10- 11.5 mm long. Enviro Safe Pest Control helps you in termite control in your residential or commercial areas.
Health concerns
The termites are well known for damaging properties, but these white monsters also are responsible for affecting human health!
MoreOther concerns
The white monsters never sleep, and a single female termite can lay up to 30, 000 eggs per day!Such factors raise the signs of severe
Symptoms of termite infestations
The termites avoid sunlight and prefer to live in dark places. The monsters become
MoreDIY treatments
Termite infestation is a major threat to your property! You need to take preventive measures immediately to eliminate
MoreThing you should know
Enviro Safe Pest Control is one of the leading pest control companies. We offer a wide range of pest control treatments pan
Chemical free treatment
Apart from the insecticides, you can also implement certain home remedies to eliminate the termites from your property.
MoreAreas we treat
Enviro Safe Pest Control is a certified and licensed pest controller company. We have appointed highly experienced
Preparation needs to be done before treatment
Before you decide to implement the DIY treatment techniques