As autumn arrives in Melbourne, bringing cooler weather and beautiful foliage, you also need to be aware of the increased pest activity that begins in September. While these unwanted guests may not be visible yet, their presence can quickly escalate into a full-blown infestation if not addressed early. That’s why it’s crucial to call pest control in Melbourne during this time of year. With the change in seasons, many pests become more active in their search for food and shelter, making your home and business a prime target. In today’s blog, we will tell you about the early warning signs of pest problems.


Mice and rats are notorious for leaving behind signs of their presence. Simply look for tiny, dark droppings in cupboards, under sinks, and along walls. These creatures are also known for chewing, leaving teeth marks on food packaging, furniture, and even walls. At night, you must listen carefully for scratching noises coming from walls, attics, or crawl spaces – a sure sign of rodent activity. If you have spotted any, call the rat removal team near you.


Termites often cause severe damage before their presence is detected. Simply, watch out for mud tubes, which they build to travel from their nest to food sources. These tubes can be found on walls, foundations, and even inside your home. In the spring, termites often swarm, releasing winged reproductive that seek new nesting sites. If you see wood damage, including small holes, and loose tiles, all these indicate a termite infestation, and you need termite treatments as soon as possible.

Ants and Cockroaches

Ants always leave behind a distinct trail of pheromones, which other ants follow, creating visible lines of marching insects across countertops, floors, and walls. Ant infestations can be irritating to deal with as they spread throughout the house quickly. Get ant control treatments from an expert pest control team like Enviro Safe Pest Control Melbourne.


Possums are known for their climbing abilities, leaving behind scratches on trees, fences, and roof shingles. Their droppings are often found on patios, decks, and near trees. At night, listen carefully for scratching and scurrying sounds coming from your roof or attic, as this could be a sign of possum activity. When you spot, waste no time to call a possum removal expert to capture the lurking possums from your property.

September is the ideal time to proactively inspect your home and address any potential pest issues before they become major problems. Calling in a professional pest control team to get rid of the house pests can prevent costly repairs and safeguard your health down the line. If you are dealing with any of these pests in Melbourne, call our team at Enviro Safe Pest Control on 1300 997 272 today.