The Masked Bees are slender and black in color. They can grow up to 10 mm in size. These bees in this species have a pale marking on faces for which they got the name. Many bees in the same species have a distinctive yellow spot on their thorax. The masked bees have a low amount of hair and carry the pollens by swallowing it. They build their nests in existing holes in woods or pithy stems. They build their nests using cellophane-like secretion.
Health Issues
Aggressive bees can be dangerous sometimes! A bee sting causes pain, redness
MoreCommon Bee Species in Australia
Over 1500 species of native bees are found in Australia. The bees are found in
MoreSymptoms of Bee Stings
10 things you should know (Newbie)
MoreOur Treatments
Enviro Safe Pest Control does have expertise in Bees Removal. The pest controllers
MoreAreas We Treat
Enviro Safe Pest Control offers bees control services for residential, commercial
MoreChemicals we use
The chemicals we use for bee removal are certified to be safe for humans and environment