Common Furniture Beetle or the Anobium Punctatum is the woodboring beetle. These beetles are chocolate brown colored and have a covering of fine yellowish color. These beetles infest soft sapwood or the new growth timber. The adults grow up to 2.7-4.5 mm. The adults don’t feed and only reproduce. The females lay eggs in the wood cracks or inside any existing old holes. The females lay 20-60 eggs in small groups. Within 2-3 weeks the eggs hatch and in its larval stage, the beetles bore the woods and feed on it. The larvae are grayish-white and covered with hairs. The larva’s head is yellowish-brow, and the jaws are dark chestnut-brown. The lifespan of this species is four years. When the infestation rate is severe, these beetles can cause extensive structural damage.
Health Concern
The Beetle Pests don’t transmit any disease to human beings and pose no threats to health
Symptoms of Beetles
The size of the beetles varies with species. Thus, it is challenging to identify certain species
DIY Treatments
The first step of treatment is to inspect the entire property thoroughly. Examine the
Our Treatments
Enviro Safe Pest Control is a certified and registered company. Our team of pest
Things you should know
There are several pest control companies in Australia. When you prepare the list