Summer is the best time for pests. As there is sunlight, prolonged daylight hours, warmth, seasonal fruits and vegetables, pests are likely to be seen in and around the property. While this is the season to enjoy the outdoors, it turns out that pests also like to have fun during summer. So, if you’re already having pest issues in your property, know that these possible reasons could have invited them to your home & it’s time to get help from a pest control melbourne professional. Let’s check out the reasons.

Temperatures Are Warm

Summer is the time for pests to breed & increase in number. As the temperatures are likely high, and the daylight hours are long, pests have enough time to run, play & have access to their favourite foods. Moreover, some pests target your home to escape the heat & sneakily get inside your home. Whether flies or rodents, they actively reproduce during summer and to feed their new hatchlings, they invade your homes. 

Access To More Foods

During this time, the grass is greener, colourful flowers, chirping birds and more food. As you stock the pantry with fruits and cereals & pests can get a lot of access to these foods. If you have a farm or edible vegetable garden, it’s when they flourish & as a result, they will have more room for infestation.

In Search Of Moisture & Water

As the seasons tend to be dry and hot, pests to humans need more water to hydrate. It’s the reason you are more likely to see rodents, insects, birds and similar ones in your yard. Some would also look to escape the heat and thirst and take shelter in your kitchen sinks, pipelines and laundry areas.

So, clearing your lawn, pruning the trees, eliminating the rocks or firewood from your yard, and covering their entry points, you can avoid pest infestation at your home. To ensure you enjoy summer and stay pest-free, book an appointment with pest control experts from Enviro Safe Pest Control. For pest inspection melbourne experts, call us on 1300 997 272.