Bees are environment-friendly creatures and play a major role in pollination and producing honey. Though they are beneficial in many ways; you can’t have them in own premises as it may harm you when they feel a threat. If you find any beehives or discarded bee wings near your balcony or window, call pest control Melbourne for bee removal service and get them out from your property. It is safe to remove them as early as possible. Being stung by a bee can be painful and allergic. If you are allergic to bee venom, it can result in breathing difficulty, swelling, and painful bumps. Here in this blog, we address some quick remedies, which help you relieve the pain and minimise the severity of allergic reactions.

Ice Cubes

Immediately after the bee sting, you should wash the area with mild soap and wipe the area. Take a clean cloth and put some ice cubes in it and press the stung area with little pressure. Repeat the process for several minutes to stop the skin from swelling, and the pain will come in control. Direct application of ice cubes on the area is not recommended as it may damage your skin.

Aloe Vera

As a natural healer for skin related problems. Aloe Vera can be used for bee stings. It soothes the irritation and reduces the pain with its super-healing properties. Remember, having a bee stringer on your skin is painful; you should immediately remove it and never let them stay on your skin for a long time as it may cause severe allergic reactions.


Known as the natural healer for skin wounds, honey helps in soothing the bee sting and controls the venom from spreading over to your body. Immediately after a bee sting, clean the area and apply some honey. It combats inflammation, reduces swelling with its anti-bacterial properties.

If you are suspecting these visitors around your premises, you can call Enviro Safe Pest Control. Our expert exterminators will inspect, and provide fast and efficient beehive removal from your property.

 For appointments, call 1300 997 272 today.