The drain flies are short and have hairy bodies and wings that give them the appearance of a moth. A Drain Fly can grow up to 2mm long. This species of flies have tan colored body and appears to be grey. Wings of the flies get densely covered with hair. The drain flies inhabit in plumbing drains or sewage systems. The females lay eggs near the sewage bed and the eggs hatch within 1-6 days. The larvae feed on the sludge-like organic matter and it takes around 10-15 days to mature. The pupae take 1-3 days to reach adult stage. Though these flies are harmless, they can annoy when swarm over the head or any area.


Health Concern

Flies breed on rotten food, piles of manure, garbage, and dead animals.


Symptoms of Flies Infestations

If you notice few buzzing Flies in interiors or exteriors of the house


DIY Treatments

Do you know How to get rid of flies? Controlling flies from invading your property


Our Treatments

Enviro Safe Pest Control is a licensed and certified pest control agency in Melbourne


Things you must know

There are different species of flies found in Australia. The flies cause nuisance


Frequently asked questions

There are different species of flies found in Australia. The flies cause nuisance
