Cutworms are the larvae stage of different species of adult moths. These worms grow up to 2 inches in length with gray or brown color stripped body. These creatures cause severe damage to a variety of vegetables and seedlings. The potential risks rise in the gardening season when these caterpillars rise from hibernation. The adult moths lay eggs in the spring season on the tips of the grass blades. The eggs hatch and the worms come out. The worms feed on the grasses and other plants during the night and hide during the daytime. After 2-4 weeks, the larvae grow to become a moth. The cutworms hide in underground burrows during the daytime and attack the grass base, stems and roots which damages the grass beds. The infestation results in dead spots in the lawn. If you want to trace, the creatures sprinkle egg shells or used coffee grounds around the plants or the dead areas.
Health Concern
You will find vast varieties of lawn pests in your lawn. While most of the pests
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The best way to combat the lawn diseases and the pests are proper management
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Enviro Safe Pest Control is a certified and registered pest control company. We have
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