When it comes to pest control, services, many would assume that it only pertains to bugs and rats. However, pest control services do more than that. From rat removal, termites, bee removal, possum control, bed bug removal, and more pest control services provide a wide range of services to households and business facilities. If you have been finding possums lately, perhaps it’s time to call upon a possum control melbourne service to eliminate them.

Possums are Marsupials like kangaroos, and they can cause significant damage to your home and gardens. They also make the place messy and smelly over time. When they enter your home or yard, their removal and damage they leave behind can put you in real trouble. Let’s see some of the tips to prevent them from entering your home.

Possum Control Tips

There are numerous ways to prevent possums from entering your home and yard. We recommend the following prevention tactics.

  • They are the most commonly encountered rodent pest in the home in recent times. They tend to take shelter in your backyard trees and will begin to infest your home by crawling or digging through tight holes in walls.

  • Ensure to seal the exterior doors and repair any damaged screens.

  • Monitor your household pets when outdoors. Do not leave any pet food or water dishes outside as they can attract possums.

  • Keep the windows closed.

  • Inspect your roofs and attics regularly.

  • Keep all the trash in secured containers to prevent these messy creatures from rummaging.

  • Also, place the bird feeder is in a secure location where only birds can reach as it can attract possums.

  • Keep your attic, basement or crawl space well ventilated and dry. Also, check for any exterior holes.

  • Make sure all food is kept in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for possum removal melbourne services, let our pest control melbourne experts from Enviro Safe Pest Control. For home inspections, call 1300 997 272 today.